Available Accommodations

The following Accommodations are available with CERT:
  • Extended Time (Time and one-half or double time)
  • Reader
  • Calculator
  • Spanish Audio for the Science and Math Sections

Accommodations should be determined in alignment with the students' Individualized Education Plan/Program (IEP), 504, or Program Service Plan (PSP).

In addition, every student has access to the following Tools during their CERT test:

  • Navigation Bar details the number of items on the subject test, allows students to navigate among items, and flag items students would like to review
  • Navigation Buttons allows students to quickly go to previous and next questions
  • Magnifier makes an image larger in a graph, chart, picture, or block of text to help you see better 
  • Highlighter will highlight words and phrases in a test item to help students remember or sort out important points while reading 
  • Line Reader pulls up a window that emphasizes a single line in a block of text, helping to separate that line from the text around it
  • Answer Eliminator crosses out answers that students believe are incorrect, helping to narrow down choices
  • Answer Masking hides answers that students believe are incorrect, helping to narrow down choices 
  • Online 4-function Calculators are available for CERT's online Math section
  • Spanish Content Access is available to selected students and will read the text on the Math and Science assessments when the speaker ESP button is selected. 

To access tools, students will click the Tools drop-down from the upper-right hand side of their assessment and select the desired tool.


Provide Extended Time for Students

Provide Extended Time for Students For students who require an accommodation for extended time, follow this guide to provide 1.5x or 2x time. Thomas
  • Select the Student tab to view the student list
  • Select the name of the student who requires this accommodation
  • Scroll down to the bottom of the page
  • Select the drop-down menu next to Extended Time
  • Select 1x, 1.5x, or 2.0x
  • Click Update Student to save changes to the student account 



For a Reader, we recommend the Google extension called Read and Write Chrome. It's free for schools and works well with CERT!


CERT offers a built-in calculator for the math section on each assessment for every student.  If your student requires a hand-held calculator per their IEP/504/PSP, please follow those documents.

Spanish Audio

Spanish audio for science and math sections can be added to individual accounts or access can be given to all students. To enable for all accounts, use the Spanish Content Access on the left-hand screen in the picture below.  To enable only for selected accounts, follow the following steps:

1. Search the student's name

2. Select the student

3. Scroll to the bottom of the screen and enable Spanish Content Access.  Refer to the picture below.