Batch Upgrade Students

Batch Upgrade Students Follow these steps to promote an entire grade level to the next grade. Thomas

To promote entire grade-levels to the next grade level, choose one of two options:

1. Batch Upgrade by File

The first option is upload an ADHOC created by the student management system. With this option, all students whose unique logins are included in the ADHOC will be automatically moved to the next grade-level. To complete this function, follow the steps below:

  • Under the Students tab, scroll down to find the Batch Operations heading in the left-column
  • Select Batch Upgrade by File
  • Follow the guide shown in the screenshot below (step 3) to create the ADHOC
  • Upload the file to CERT by selecting Choose File
  • Follow the promptings of the file upload

2. Batch Upgrade by Filter

The second option to upgrade students to their current grade level is to Batch Upgrade by Filter.  To complete this function, follow the steps below:

  • Under the Students tab,  scroll down to the Batch Operations heading
  • Select Batch Upgrade by Filter
  • Use the filters to select the correct grade level and graduating year
  • Click Filter
  • Review the list to ensure the students are correct, then click Review
  • Confirm changes when the dialogue box pops on the screen

**NOTE:  The Batch Upgrade by Filter will promote ALL students to the next grade level.  It’s important that retained students are noted and “rolled back” to the proper grade level in order to stay in the grade level corresponding to their grade level in your Student Data Management System.  The Batch Upgrade by File will only promote students in the file.  Retained students will remain in their current year’s grade level, but that data will need to be reset to give them the opportunity to assess again.  To ensure the most accurate student list, Batch Upgrade by File is recommended.**

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