Benchmarks for CERT High School Assessments

Information regarding benchmarks for grades 9 through 12

Benchmark information, as well as student data regarding the benchmarks, can be found on the Assessment Scores and Review Report. If your state uses specific benchmarks that are different from the national ACT benchmarks, that information will be properly represented in this report. 

Grade 9 students in CERT have access to PreACT assessments. PreACT assessments are predictive of how students will do on the full-length ACT assessment for English, math, reading, and science. The PreACT results can be used to help students make important adjustments to their current coursework to ensure they are prepared for the ACT. PreACT and ACT report on a common scale of 1 to 36, giving educators a simple way to see the current projected ACT score for the student.  

Since growth is expected from grades 9 to 11, students who score below benchmark on the College Readiness Benchmarks on PreACT still may be on target to meet the benchmark in 11th grade. The College Readiness Indicators, developed by ACT, are an additional way to evaluate student readiness. These indicators categorize the student into one of three readiness levels. These levels are On Target, On the Cusp, and In Need of Intervention. See the screenshot below that details what these College Readiness Indicators are, as well as the definition of each category.


For students in grades 10 through 12, the benchmarks set forth either by your state or by ACT, can be found on this report as well.  These benchmarks are next to each of the four content areas as displayed below. 

  • Select Reports
  • Select Assessment Scores and Review
  • Filter Data as desired
  • Select Update Report


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