CERT System Requirements

CERT System Requirements Information for the school's Information Technology team

A few requirements are vital for successful access to CERT assessments and remediation.  Please use this guide to properly set up all devices used to access our program. 

Supported Internet Browsers:

Windows OS Users

  • Microsoft Edge version 100 or superior
  • Google Chrome version 100 or superior
  • Mozilla Firefox version 100 or superior

Mac OS Users

  • Apple Safari version 14 or superior
  • Google Chrome version 100 or superior
  • Mozilla Firefox version 100 or superior

Chrome OS Users

  • Google Chrome version 100 or superior

Internet Browsers not mentioned above are NOT currently supported and may not meet all requirements of your program.

Internet Browser Settings

Please refer to your browser's Help features to check these settings.

  • Java Script should be enabled
  • Cookies should be enabled


The most recent version of the following plug-ins are required for many of the resources available in your online courses:

Safelist the following URLs:

  • https://certforschools.com/* ***
  • https://certforschools.io/* ***
  • https://*.certforschools.com/* ***
  • https://*.certforschools.io/* ***
  • https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/*
  • https://ajax.googleapis.com/*
  • https://fonts.googleapis.com/*
  • https://html5shiv.googlecode.com/*
  • https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/mathjax/*
  • https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/mathjax@3/*
  • https://api.hubapi.com/*

*** Attention: cannot be cached locally.

CERT uses different CDNs under the certforschools.com domain, including but not limited to: https://cdn.certforschools.com, https://cdn-static.certforschools.com, https://cdn-qta.certforschools.com, https://cdn-video.certforschools.com