Longitudinal Data Reports

How to view scores of separate assessments side by side to monitor student progress.

There are two ways to access Longitudinal Reports:

To Access All Sections at Once:

The first way is to access the Actual ACT Scores Comparison Report where longitudinal reports for all sections of the assessment can be exported. The Actual ACT Scores Comparison Report displays students' actual ACT scores next to their CERT scores.  In order to have real score data, schools must first use the Score Import feature and upload the real ACT data, however you can still export this report

  1. Select Reports
  2. Click on the Actual ACT Score Comparison Report
Select the desired group and filters then click Export.  If no real ACT data has been inputted, no scores will be seen in this column.  This data is exportable and printable. 



Access Year-over-Year data:

Through the Assessment Score and Review report, section data is available, as well as composite. The filters will allow teachers and administrators to look from one window to the next as well as the year-over-year data. 

  • Select Reports 
  • Click on the Assessments report
  • Adjust the report drop-down from Regular to Longitudinal
  • Adjust the filters accordingly
  • When looking at year-over-year data, make the "end" year the current window and grade level
  • Click Update Report


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