Manually Entering Student Answers

Learn how to easily transfer paper answer sheet responses to our speed answer sheet for quick and free results.

For schools that assess paper and pencil, and have not purchased one of our scoring options, CERT offers a free and simple way to input student assessment responses.  Follow the steps below to either enter responses as a teacher/administrator or how to allow students to input responses online for instant access to scores.  

Method 1:

Teacher/Admin Enter Answers

  • Students Tab 
  • Groups > View All
  • Select a Group
  • Assessment tab
  • Click Here to Manage Students
  • Select proper assessment window 
  • Select a student's answer sheet 


  • Ensure the proper student's online answer sheet is displayed
  • Expand Keyboard Shortcuts to find the fastest way to key in answers
  • After entering responses, Save and Continue 

Method 2: Students Enter Answers

  • Students tab
  • Assessment Access
  • Fall Assessment Answer Entry: Enable Proper Grade levels
  • Testing Environment: Offline 
  • Students Enter Answers
  • Update Assessment Settings




Once the above steps have taken place, students will log into CERT and see this screen below, where they can then select the proper section and transfer over their paper answers to the online answer sheet. 

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