Preparing for Assessment Day

Follow these steps to ensure testing runs smoothly for teachers and students.

When planning for assessment day, the following settings will need to be adjusted to allow students to log in and begin the assessments.   Also, be sure to read all about our 16 question practice assessment if you'd like your students to see and practice the format of the assessment before the actual assessment day. 

Update Assessment Settings

First, go to Assessment Access found on the left sidebar to ensure the proper grade levels are enabled.

  • Under the Student tab, select Assessment Access in the left column
  • Before changing any settings, scroll down to view the current testing window to ensure the date of testing falls within the confines of these dates.

  • Enable the appropriate grade levels
  • Choose whether students will assess primarily online or offline for this assessment. If students plan to test online or have a mix of both, select Online. If students plan to test offline or need to upload student answers, select Offline
  • Enable or Disable Mimic Test Conditions. This is a school-wide function that affects all students, including those with extended time. If enabled, students have to complete the entire assessment in the order seen in the ACT (English, Math, Reading, Science). Students cannot progress from one section to the next until the full-timer runs out. To enable this feature that best simulates the ACT experience, make sure this box is enabled. If it is preferred that students complete one section at a time without having to wait for the timer to run out and be able to test "out of order", leave it disabled.
  • To save changes, select Update Assessment Settings

Things to Consider on Assessment Day

  • We strongly suggest allowing students who assess online to have a scratch piece of paper to jot answers down as they enter their answers online.  Should technology fail, this answer sheet would provide a way for students to quickly reenter answers once they are back online.
  • Calculators are provided online for the math section.
  • Browsers are not locked.  Proctoring during the assessment is important to obtain valid student data. 
  • Extended time can be given to designated students within their profiles. 

Update Remediation Settings

Immediately after completing the online assessment or after importing student answers, the remedial portion of the student accounts will become available. To ensure access is set as desired, follow the steps below:

  • Select Remediation Access
  • While multiple remedial settings can be enabled or disabled, the two settings that need to be addressed immediately are the Study Hall and Exam Room features. To grant student access immediately after the assessment, ensure these options are both Enabled. To prevent students from accessing until all students have had a chance to complete the assessment, click Disabled
  • Make sure that you click Update Remediation Settings

**NOTE: Exam Room remediation closes with each assessment window in order to keep each test secure. Two windows cannot be open at the same time, so to ensure students have adequate time to take the assessment and complete the Exam Room remedial videos within the boundaries of the assessment window, please plan accordingly.  Custom-dated assessment windows are not an option.**

Where to Find Proctoring Materials

CERT provides proctoring manuals for both online and offline facilitation. Administrators and teachers have access to these resources which can be accessed or printed before the assessment begins. 

  • Select Resources tab
  • Select Proctoring Manuals
  • If assessing offline, select Offline Proctoring Manual (Download)
  • If assessing online, select Online Proctoring Manual


Where to Find Student Account Credentials

Student account credentials can be found by following the steps below.  This report is exportable and printable. 

  • Select the Reports tab
  • Under Student Reports heading, find Account Credentials 



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