Proctoring Manuals, Parent Letter and Account Credentials

Proctoring Manuals, Parent Letter and Account Credentials How to find the proctoring manuals, a letter for parents, and a master list of account credentials for students and admin. Thomas

**NOTE: These features are available to both administrators and teachers**

Proctoring Manuals

CERT provides proctoring manuals for both online and offline facilitation.

  • Select Resources 
  • Select Proctoring Manuals  
  • If assessing offline, select Offline Proctoring Manual (Download)
  • If assessing online, select Online Proctoring Manual


Parent Information Letter

The Parent Information Letter is a great resource for to help explain what CERT is and how it will be used. This document can be downloaded as a Microsoft Word document which can be revised, printed, and distributed to parents. To find this letter, follow the steps below:

  • Select the Resources tab
  • Click Parent Information 
  • The document will automatically download and will be available to revise and distribute

**Note: The Parent Information Letter is a great resource to include with the available Course Report which details student progress in mastering College Readiness goals. 

Account Credentials for Teachers & Students

If at any time a teacher or student loses or forgets a password, login credentials can be accessed using one of the following reports. While teachers can view the Student Credentials report, only administrators can view the Administrator Credentials Report. 

  • Select the Reports tab
  • To view Admin credentials, select Account Credentials under the heading Admin Reports
  • To view student credentials, select Account Credentials under the heading Student Reports


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