Accessing Student Scores

How to access student scores after an assessment has been completed.

As a teacher in CERT, access to data will always be limited to the students that are part of your CERT groups (classes).  CERT administrators are able to see data across all teacher groups and students.  Groups are built either automatically via Clever or through a manual process.  If you do not currently have groups built, find directions on how to do so here:  Create Groups

After groups are created, navigate to:



  • Reports
  • ACT Student Reports
    (SAT, KSA, FSA, TSIA found further down the page)  
  • Select the Assessment Score and Review Report
  • Select Go!  
    You can filter the data using the drop down  Filtered By option before selecting the report or filter once in the report. 

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  • Filter the data according to your needs (grade level, assessment window, and school year).



Navigate to: 

  • Reports
  • ACT Student Reports
  • Assessment Completion Report
  • Use the FILTER BY options to select the appropriate parameters
  • Select Go!  

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Once in the report, student online completion progress is visible.  The report is SORTABLE by column headers.  Simply CLICK in the column you would like to sort.  The report can also be EXPORTED as as CSV file.

  1. DATE and TIME of completion and SCORE are visible for students who have COMPLETED the assessment.
  2. Student who have LOGGED IN to CERT but have NOT STARTED an assessment section will have NOT STARTED in the completion box and a --- in the score box. 
  3. Students who have NEVER LOGGED IN will show --- in the completion box and a --- in the score box.  

Student ANSWERSHEETS are also visible in this report.  

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